Last Call // News Clips

Welcome to Last Call's news clips feature.  So much of what is covered in my book is rather visible to the average person upon opening their eyes - while in public day-to-day, or through the Internet and media in general.  Relevant articles are categorized under the principals of Total Equality and Moral Monogamy, with the former further broken down into Spend Presentations and Sex Presentations.  Enjoy!

Total Equality - Spend Presentations

December 26, 2010: While non-celebrity males are rooting for their favorite male athletes, they rarely consider how easily those athletes could tempt their girlfriends or wives into sex. Then there are the modern day groupies to consider... Read Full Text

Date unknown: Does a man's salary matter?  According to this article I believe it does.  Last Call also believes that while income matters, inches matter as well.  See Chapter 11, "Power Points" for more...
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April 26, 2010: The power of femininity is endless, even with Paris Hilton being independently wealthy...
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March 22, 2009: Billionaire Jim Clark, 65, set to marry supermodel Kristy Hinze, 28.  Lo and behold the power of the almighty dollar...
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Total Equality - Sex Presentations

June 6, 2010: 17-year-old Miley Cyrus rarely disappoints these days regarding her own personal sex presentation abilities, simulated or not...
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June 3, 2010: Debrahlee Lorenzaza claims everything she wore was professional.  Last Call's "Fair-to-Wear" section in Chapter 13, "The Great Fashion Divide" should help prove or disprove that...
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Moral Monogamy

June 18, 2010: Infidelity reality for Tiger Woods hits harder than for most financially speaking...
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March 30, 2010: Just how many misttresses did Jesse James have...
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When was the last time you cheated?

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