Last Call // Theorem 20.4

Theorem 20.4 – Four Categories: There are four categories of pain associated with a partner physical cheat event:

1) Picturing the details of the actual sex act itself
2) Realizing how long the cover-up period was and all the associated lying
3) The sacrifice of not hooking up with others during that speak-daily partnership
4) Dealing with the wrench thrown into a compatible and content partnership

Proof:  Finding out that a partner has cheated is rarely a pleasant experience, especially if currently compatible and content.  Obviously, one cannot possibly be the first to know about a physical cheat event since the person or persons whose aroused genitalia were involved and any witnesses would know first.

Further, discovering the cheating mischief when a partner comes clean is one thing.  Nailing someone directly, or worse, finding out from others, is another.  Regardless, the four categories of pain can swell and persist for days, weeks or even months.  It can be especially painful if the person who was cheated on was the one subsidizing the majority of F-BET expenses jointly incurred.

If looking for a way to terminate a partnership without taking the blame or when one has been cheating all along, a physical cheat event could be relatively painless.  However, if not the case, thinking of the physical performance that took place, how long one’s partner has been keeping the secret, not hooking up at all with third-party others, and figuring out what to do next are all painful on a stand-alone basis, much more so when experienced all at the same time.

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