Last Call // Theorem 20.2

Theorem 20.2 – Forty Percent: Take whatever a female speak-daily partner tells the male about her suspect activities from the night before and divide the original story by a factor of 0.40, or forty percent, to estimate the one hundred percent true story.

Proof:  The first version of a female speak-daily partner’s story about what she did while partying without the male partner is usually no more than 40 percent of the whole truth.  That is the case even if the female did not have sex with any other males.  One would think she would remember facts such as where she went, her outfit, for how long, what type of pictures were taken, was there any dancing, who paid and was there any touching, kissing or nudity involved.

When considering those relevant facts, the least important for the male are where she went and for how long.  More important are what she wore, what types of pictures were taken and what type of dancing took place.  Most important, who paid for what and did any touching take place (including an actual sex act).  One would think the first facts provided in any one-hundred-percent-honest recount would be the two very fun activities of being subsidized by a sexually interested third party and having sex.

However, facts as to just how physical were her interactions with the third-party male or males and how much money he or they spent on her are typically pushed aside for less meaningful facts.  While it is nice to know exactly where one was for the evening and for how long, this “filler” information rarely amounts to anything more than forty percent of the total story.

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