Last Call // Theorem 14.1

Theorem 14.1 – Protégé Pandermania: The youthful female is taken care of, or pampered, so much by her mother that she translates that behavior to potential male partners, using her sexuality to get her way, just like mommy wished she could still do, still hopes for, or even continues to do despite daddy.

Proof:  The no-longer-youthful female mother can and often does live vicariously through her female offspring.  She grooms her daughter into what she would love to have been—or quite possibly still desires to be—under the pretense of wishing a better life for her.  This is a life she will not necessarily get through her own means, but will use her body and sexuality to attract the ultimate alpha male at the moment who can provide even better than daddy could, at least in the near term.  She encourages her daughter to groom herself to be sexually desirable by multitudes of males, reliving her most likely long gone days of being sought after herself.

The mother reinforces the pandermania by repeating the story of meeting a prince charming to take care of her for life.  Or at least nudges the daughter to date the “right guys.”  She is certainly not pushing the merits of going Dutch.  So, the youthful female keeps her options open, just like her mother perhaps wishes she had; and the parent female thinks to herself, “I try hard to give her the opportunities I never had.”

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