Last Call // Theorem 11.1

Theorem 11.1 – Stroke & Poke*: The male with status or wealth will often have a noticeable level of swagger and friskiness when interacting with females he has set his sights on.  Upon any stroking of his ego, poking a random female is potentially not too far behind.

* Dedicated to Mr. Tiger Woods, of course.

Proof:  For some males, having sex with every hot female in America is not an end, it is a means.  Even without any use of charm, the money and power they throw around at will can and often does lead to multitudes of sex partners throughout a calendar year.  Beyond using fine lines (conveying what he believes the female needs to hear), he will put his swagger to good use to earn sex acts with the female, and not necessarily one at a time.  Friskiness in the form of prolonged touching and mini-messages can also be in the mix.  Ultimately territorial hunter-gatherers, and hard-wired to assert themselves as king of the jungle; these males often cannot help themselves when amongst beautiful females.  If such a male has a not-present partner, he may actually take responsibility for cheating events, but he will make clear they are his right.

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