Last Call // Theorem 10.1

Theorem 10.1 – Princess Pandermania*: The youthful female is taken care of financially so much during her upbringing that she translates that ideal to getting her food, beverage, entertainment and travel expenses paid for by the non-related males she shares company time with upon entering adulthood.  Dads and granddads exacerbate this practice by believing that their daughters need protection more than their sons.

* Formerly known as Daddy’s Girl.  With massive improvements in life expectancy, Daddy’s Girl now is also funded by her granddaddies and had to be renamed.

Proof:  Pick out an average middle class street block or apartment building in America and compare families with all daughters against those with all sons.  One will observe how the sons are pushed to earn most everything while the daughters are provided, that is, given almost everything.  This can include but is not limited to their own car at age 16, a brand new car at age 18, vacations abroad before turning 21, and their own apartment, at least within the parent’s home.

The now-prevalent teenage princess pandermania then, not so ironically, extends itself to the heterosexual hook-up and dating world.  The regular daddy and granddaddy ideal that “She will be provided whatever she desires – from me and any guy that thinks he has a chance at dating her” sustains the pandermania.  Without surprise, the female then translates this to “giving up” her sex only to the non-related males who continue this pattern of subsidizing her.

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