Last Call // Theorem 5.4

Theorem 5.4 – Fine Lines: Fine [verbal] lines can usually end up enticing a person to decide to make out with an opposite-sex person who has a sexual interest in them.  Without those fine lines, a person is likely to forgo accepting a sexual move by a particular opposite-sex person—unless that person is incredibly hot.  When a male finds himself in a potential first-time hook-up situation—either with a female he just met or has known for a while—fine lines, whether truthful or not, are invoked by the male in an attempt to close the deal with the female.

Proof:  While caution or fear of rejection weighs heavily with many females, the majority of males appear to be fearless in their efforts to come up with the right thing to say and the right approach to conquer the female.  Not the familiar pick-up lines, but fine lines.  Recognizing that he must sell his product to the female buyer, he pours on the charm.  One leading-edge example is “Any man would be happy to have you.”

The use of male charm on the female can be broken down into two categories: the brutally honest version and the deceptive dog version.  The former is self-explanatory.  The latter covers when a male says whatever he thinks the female wants to hear at the moment, however untrue it might be.

Examples of the latter include not identifying the truth about his sexual availability or his intentions for the longer term.  Regardless, the deceiving male is often successful in his pursuit of the female, especially in environments where alcohol is being consumed.  His successes in this regard are what carry him on to pursue the next female in the same manner.

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