Last Call // Glossary-Chapter 9

Chapter 9:  The Great Expense Divide

high maintenance  refers to a woman who requires the man, or men, to expend a lot of money, power and/or effort, especially charm, in order to make her happy

? expensism  discrimination against people on the basis of gender; specif., discrimination against, and prejudicial stereotyping of, men, regarding the “who pays?” game within the heterosexual hook-up and dating world; often not seen as seriously “as an evil” as other forms of sexism

non-transferable expenses  expenses jointly incurred and paid for within the hook-up and dating world by an individual and whose benefits do not transfer from one person to another; money spent on food, beverage, entertainment and travel services; used to sexually attract the opposite sex with the hope of generating a return on investment via pleasurable sex

transferable expenses  expenses individually incurred and paid for within the hook-up and dating world by an individual and whose benefits do transfer from one person to another; money spent on beauty services and clothing products used to sexually attract the opposite sex with the hope of generating a return on investment via food, beverage, entertainment and travel expense subsidies, and possibly pleasurable sex

money-clip expenses  formal name for expenses jointly incurred and paid for within the hook-up and dating world by an individual and whose benefits do not transfer from one person to another; money spent on food, beverage, entertainment and travel services, which is then gone for good

clip  1. to cut or cut off with shears or scissors  2. a) to cut short b) to shorten by omitting syllables, letters, etc.  ? 3. Slang to cheat or swindle, esp. by overcharging

purse-string savings  formal name for the anti-version of “money-clip” expenses jointly incurred and paid for within the hook-up and dating world by an individual and whose benefits do not transfer from one person to another; money not spent on food, beverage, entertainment and travel services, and saved instead

purse  1. a small bag or pouch for carrying money  2. financial resources; money  3. a sum of money collected as a present or given as a prize  ? 4. a woman's handbag

jungle lipstick expenses  formal name for expenses individually incurred and paid for within the hook-up and dating world by an individual whose benefits transfer from one person to another; money spent on beauty services and clothing products used to sexually attract the opposite sex with the hope of generating a return on investment via food, beverage, entertainment and travel-expense subsidies, and possibly pleasurable sex

F-BET  acronym F(ood), B(everage), E(ntertainment) and T(ravel); otherwise known as flaunt bets wherein the male flaunts his charm, money and power while subsidizing a female’s F-BET expenses, betting the female will have sex with him; likewise, the female flaunts her flesh and sexuality betting the males around her will subsidize her

income tax  one of three tax categories within the hook-up and dating world; includes federal, state, local, Social Security, and Medicare taxes, all of which take away everyone’s buying power in terms of F-BET services and fashion

company time tax  one of three tax categories within the hook-up and dating world, primarily heterosexual male in nature; includes expenditures on F-BET services, net gift exchanges and any life maintenance expenses of others, as well as one’s own F-BET services when spending time in the human jungles

lifestyle perks tax  one of three tax categories within the hook-up and dating world, primarily heterosexual female in nature; includes expenditures on cosmetics, fashion and spa treatments which enables one to earn lifestyle perks from the opposite sex

life maintenance expenses  mostly necessary expenditures for living within the hook-up and dating world which absorb after-tax income: includes an individual’s rent or mortgage, property taxes, utilities, insurance, vehicle maintenance, phone, etc.; expenses associated with maintaining the toys the male often uses to earn or share company time with the female such as big screen TVs, high end autos, summer houses, hot tubs, motorcycles, jet skis and boats; male clothing and grooming expenses; food and beverage expenses incurred at home; friend and family gift-giving

genetic celebrity  a women whose greater social desirability and beauty power affords her opportunities for creating both measurable and invisible income especially when so beautiful that men do more than look and talk, they follow her

lifestyle perks equation  F-BET expense subsidies earned while sharing company time, and possibly the subsidization of a subset of one’s life maintenance expenses; often leads to living the better life, many times above and beyond what one’s own means can afford; mostly received by the female gender from the males who desires them sexually; lifestyle perks = F-BET expense subsidies + life maintenance expense subsidies

invisible income equation  total income in kind received between lifestyle perks, net gift exchanges, freebies and male favors; mostly received by the female gender from the males who desire them sexually; invisible income = lifestyle perks + net gift exchanges + freebies + favors

lifestyle profit/loss equation  based on one’s gender position within the heterosexual hook-up and dating world, there are either profits or losses, consisting of one’s net savings or accumulated debt in a given calendar year plus one’s invisible income earned from the opposite sex; lifestyle profit/(loss) = net savings/(debt) + net invisible income

PAD factor  acronym P(artner) A(ge) D(ifferential) factor; the phenomenon in America where one hooks up, or shares company time, with older people who earn more money and have more status then they currently hold

power portfolio  a combination of one’s accumulated money and power, along with their toys, often used to seduce those with whom wants company time, or at least sex

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